
About Us Our company

We are A conceptual web design and digital marketing agency

Tru Brand Media is a conceptual web development and digital marketing agency bringing a fresh feel to functionality and design. We have developed a platform that strives off the power of Tru Data and Analytics to efficiently strategize the perfect solution for your brand and or business.

Tru Brand Media offers services from brand design to website development and data-driven digital marketing solutions. Each project we take on is unique, with customized strategies for our clients and their niche target audience. We conduct thorough research and develop SWOT analysis to identify a brand or business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to understand obstacles one may face while growing their business and develop solutions and strategies around them.

We flourish on Transmedia, a concept of storytelling across multiple platforms using digital technology. A strategic technique that we employ to increase the visibility of your brand across various digital platforms. Our cloud-based data platform allows us to utilize data from multiple vendors, including social media platforms that we are currently partnered with, to identify your niche audience and your competitor’s audience. This data will enable us to understand your niche demographics and the interest of potential consumers as it relates to your unique service and or products offered, which will aid in developing your customized digital marketing strategy along with the design of your visual content and story board. In addition, we pay very close attention to other businesses, investment trends, and more to further put your brand and or business at a competitive advantage.

15Years of Experience

We build the foundation your brand can stand on.

Our mission is to build quality brands and develop applications that will make your business more productive and successful.

Certified Team of Experts
Exhaustive Market Research 

Empower businesses through the art of design and technology.

Our vision is to leverage the true power of data to strategically develop unique brands, technology, and marketing strategies that will increase your business’s overall brand awareness, ROI, and efficiency.

Innovative design
Evolve With New Trends
Adopt New Technology
Enable Collaborative Efforts
Each member of our team is an expert in their chosen field. In addition, they live up to the fundamental beliefs of our organization.
About Us Our company

A Passion For The Craft

Tiffany Lewis, Founder and CEO of Tru Brand Media was formally a Senior Business Intelligence Developer and consultant concentrating on data transformation and visualization. Over the last 15 years, she has implemented a wide range of analytic products, from transforming the common data element into a system of collaborative information and actionable solutions to spearheading new project initiatives and platform integration processes.

“It’s been my dream to help others. Empower others to succeed. I founded Tru Brand Media in June 2019 to combine my love for art with my passion for innovative technology and design.

Creating a safe space for developers, thinkers, and designers to do what they do best is a bonus.”

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